“TAC” was my try at a top down shooter similar to “Door Kickers” from Killhouse Games but in 3D (at that time I wans’t aware they had their own 3D version nearly at release). The deal was to make 3D more prominent with the ability to control the camera angle a little and make everything alot more realistic.

It was meant to be a top down shooter in a S.W.A.T. setting and with some gimmicks like having to save your wounded teammates so they don’t die. Dying would mean permanently loosing said unit and their level progress – perma death.

I have finished a Proof of Concept, but since the realistic setting doesn’t work to well with a top-down perspective, I will leave it at that and focus on other projects.

The main gimmick I took away from this project was how to use arbitrary data to create textures, which I can in turn blend onto the camera. Because to hide what the player can’t see in a top down shooter is easier said than done. I settled on using raycasts in a spherical direction from the player to determine a simple depth field, created a polygon from those points, drew it with an Unlit white shader onto a secodary camera and blended the inverse of that texture onto the scene. The result is the darkened view cone effect you can also see in the video below.


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