
I’ll be back! …Like…right now. And just like Santa I have a sack of presents on my shoulder. Although it’s not december, but who cares right? So after my weirdest...

Aaaand it’s time for another blog entry. Sadly not much has happened in the last month. At least in terms of my projects. If you followed my last blog entry,...

Well that was a long month. At least for me. At the start of the year our agency recieves the most contract offers and we all know what that means:...

In the last dev blog I showed a drone based game that I’m working on. Turns out it’s a very promissing idea. So I have continued developing basic commanding functionality...

DronAR was a mini-project that resulted from my research into the implementation of swarm mechanics in Unity. It’s a mobile game similar to “Drone Swarm” by Stillalive Studios. The game...